2016 – d9 – anjuna beach , roma italian chapora , international animal rescue .

Really hazy horizon every day so far. Only had one clear sunset which was arambol. On anjuna beach, gone to busiest part in the middle. Its all out attack of the beach sellers today … bracelet no, hard skin no,  massage no, tattoo no, bongo no, fruit no, ice cream no , manicure no, henna no, threading no, soap ear no, fridge magnets no, selfie sticks go and die …… and just when you think youve seen off the incoming attacks from most sellers on this patch along comes a dog to pi55 on the back of your sunbed haha. … the wife chasing a rottweiller is always a laugh 🙂



Making a dirty place worse…. When your sitting on the beach watching a 50 something couple [who really should know better] just chucking their fags ends onto the sand. will probably pass thru untold dolphins fish and turtles over the next 25 years while it decomposes , and each butt adds 160 chemicals to our waters incl arsenic , lead and formaldehyde …  Dirty bstrds . However its good to see goa tourism employing teams of girls to pick up tourists rubbish off the beaches. God they dont half work hard in that heat too. I bet they earn no more than 100r a day. Said thanks to them for their hard work while we sat at elephant bar .


Another team that works hard is “international animal rescue” who devote their time to care for the street animals in goa to . always a worthwhile donation . you can do this from your home to the charity , you dont have to be in goa . this one wears its IAR tag .



Evenung meal did roma chapora again .Im so over being sick in goa and have given up eating curries or in local shacks with filthy hygeine . its veg ,  dont eat and stay hungry ,  or double safe places only now . So returned to Roma [opposite sakana] …  plain pizza for the sick wife whos still so ill , and pork chops and rosemary potatoes for me ….  like a true brit lol , chops chops chops ! didnt really rate them , it was mostly bone and fat. 400 for chops and salad , plus potatoes extra. just isnt right not having indian .



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